Monday, 6 September 2010

A Very Merry Un-birthday to me

It was my birthday a few weeks ago but because some of my friends were away in august for holidays and festivals I decided to have my celebrations on Saturday.

As I love the Alice in Wonderland and dressing up it seems only right to have a mad hatter's tea party.

So I thought I would share with you some photos and my cupcakes !

Homemade cupcakes not bad for a first attempt, I thought.

I was the Red Queen serious

........with a side of silly

And a close up for the shoe fans

The Red Queen and the Mad Hatter


  1. Wow - you look fab! Love the shoes! Also, the cupcakes look yummy! Happy un-birthday x

  2. @TheBristolBeautyBlog

    Thank you. I did wear some red and gold shoes later in the day too. If you want to see them I am happy to add a pic.

    Thanks, the cupcakes seemed to go down well on Saturday and today in work. *Passes you my last cupcake*

    Thank you Xxx

  3. Those cupcakes look GREAT! And I like your dress, RESPECT for wearing those high heels lol, I would fall flat on face by even looking at them :p

    Oh.... and a happy belated b-day ;)

  4. @Iris Thank you for your comments.You could wear the platforms it just takes practice !

    Thanks I had a lovely birthday and enjoyed having my tea party a few weeks later, it's nice to spread the celebrations out !


  5. THOSE SHOES! They are almost X-Rated! I love them and you pull them off so well! Hope you had a lovely party xxx

  6. @Lauren I love your reaction ;)Thank you, I try and yes I had a lovely afternoon/evening. Xxx


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